Course Program and Academia
The Department of Creative Design and Clothing is academically structured in three fields of knowledge to provide its students with specialization in disciplines according to the needs of the labour market and scientific advances. A precise number of subjects is taught in each area. The members of the permanent teaching staff belong to one of the three fields.
The administration bodies of each field are the General Assembly and the Director of the Field.
The course consists of two phases. In the first phase the core subjects are taught, followed by the second phase of specialisation subjects in previously mentioned fields.
A variety of “optional compulsory” courses are also offered in every field. Therefore, students can satisfy their professional and academic interests and develop their individual skills in the best manner possible.
The Scientific Fields of the Department of Clothing Design and Technology are:
- Textile Technology and Engineering
- Product Development & Engineering
- CAD Systems
- Management & Marketing of Textiles
- Applied Arts and Design Science
- Humanities and Social Sciences
A detailed presentation of the course program is available in the Course Study Guide (IHU CDC):
CDC IHU Subjects Offered in English >2023 (2024-2025)
List of Subjects offered in English and/or other languages:
CDC IHU Subjects Offered in English >2023 (2024-2025)
Faculty External Evaluation: External Evaluation Report – May 2014
Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) of the International Hellenic University:
Final Accreditation Report IQAS IHU (2022)
Operating Regulations: Law_461019
Academic Calendar: Academic_Calendar_2024-2025_eng
Course Lectures Schedule for academic Winter/Spring semester:
Lecture Timetable Semester 2024-2025
Examinations Timetable for the 1st Exam Period (February /June ) of the Winter/ Spring Semester and September Resits (2nd Exam Period): (EN)_Examinations Timetable 2024-2025