Τελευταίες ανακοινώσεις

Κουτσού Βενετία

Προσωπική Σελίδα

e-mail: venetia@teicm.gr
Τηλέφωνο: 23410-29876 (εσωτ. 114)

Short Curriculum:
Venetia Koutsou graduated in 1992 from the Department of French Language and
Literature of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, while she also attended courses in
costume and fashion design at the Dimitreli School. She studied theatrology at the
University of Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle (Maitrise) and postgraduate studies in Fashion &
Creation at the University of Lumiere-Lyon II (Master). She is a PhD candidate at the
Department of Architecture-Engineering of the University of Thessaly. She is a Lecturer at
the Department of Creative Design & Clothing, International University of Greece.
She has worked as a designer and fashion consultant for the Greek Centre of Clothing. In
particular, she has been involved in fashion forecasting through collaboration with Carlin
International trends bureau. In collaboration with the Hellenic Fashion Industry
Association, she conducts fashion forecasting seminars for the clothing industry. She is a
member of the Sectoral Skills Council of the Ministry of Education in the textile, clothing,
footwear and leather sectors.
As a member of the PieTa team, with visual artist Eleftheria Stoikou, she designed actions
to promote design as a process of value creation for clothing, in cooperation with
museums and sectoral associations: “Remaster your shirt-scan your Ego”, “Wear is Art”
and other

Πλήρες Βιογραφικό Σημείωμα 📝