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Creative Design & Clothing Department organises International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence & Fashion – https://cdc.ihu.gr/ai4fashion24/

Following the success of the 1st and 2nd Workshop on AI4Fashion hosted by SETN, the 3nd Workshop of AI4Fashion is going to be realized for the 13th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN 2024) on September 11-13, 2024 – Piraeus, Greece.

Even though AI has been around for several years now, the technologies that are currently being applied to fashion are still in its early days. The goal of this workshop is to gather people from academia, industry, and startups working at the intersection of fashion and data mining, processing, AI resonance and knowledge discovery, to further advance the technology and its adoption. This 3nd installment of the workshop can become, in the future, the premier venue for presenting works that are solving problems related to fashion using artificial intelligence, machine learning and data mining.

The Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence is organized biannually by the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society (EETN). It has already been established as one of the most prominent forums for Greek and International AI Scientists to present original and high-quality research on emerging topics of Artificial Intelligence. SETN 2024 highly encourages international participation. The official language is English.